I have been driving to California this whole week and so I needed to find time to up pick out the sounds off of Freeform while my boyfriend drove. Which was working really well until I noticed that after “downloading” about 10 sounds, none of them actually saved. After that realization I wrote the title of the sounds down and I put them into my computer when I got to a hotel room so that I was able to download them.
After I was finished downloading all of the sounds I needed, I placed them in their specific spots on the show. This part of the project did not take too long, but I did get upset that I spent about 30 mins listening to different sounds just for them not to save and I had to find them all over again.
After I was finished with the sounds, I rewatched my video so many times and did some tweaking for the sounds to make sure they were not too loud or too quiet. I rewatched it again and I was so proud of myself! I really do wish it was longer, but I feel as though I had a solid plot and I feel like I completed it to the best of my ability.
1 Comment
destiny · April 26, 2024 at 7:08 pm
very frustrating when you think you’ve got it all settled and then it just doesn’t work out correctly . . . happy to hear it eventually worked and I’m excited to tune into ur project!!