I really enjoyed week 11 because it was more about participation in the class than it was work related. I do believe that my creativity has gone up a lot in this class and it makes my heart happy because I used to be able to create and use my imagination all the time. However, when you start growing up all that imagination you once had slowly fades away.

It now feels like my imagination is coming back to life and looking into Artificial Intelligence and what it has to offer the world is a crazy thing to think about.

This week we had to listen to at least one other group radio show…I ended up listening to all of them because I was so fascinated to hear what everyone else was able to create. Down below is a button you can click on if you want to listen and read my thoughts about the shows.

The other main assignment we were asked to complete was an outline for a video we will be working on for week 12. I have a very rough draft here. I am not too sure about the requirements that I need to meet when it comes to the time frame, but I might switch it up if the professor asks for 3 minutes.

Of course, it would not be called a daily create if we did not do it each week.

My three daily creates are right below:


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